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Our MSc in Human Resource Management focuses on the importance of managing people in the workplace and explores how this management function contributes significantly to business success.
This one-year, full-time course provides you with the skills and knowledge needed to achieve a successful career in HR and does not require any background business or management experience.
In addition to the core module on Human Resource Management, you will also cover a wide range of contemporary business topics. These include business strategy, business economics and accounting, individual behavior in the organization, employee relations and topics at work and society.
You will also take elective modules and, at the end of the course, you will complete a thesis, which can be a business-based project or a research-based piece of writing.
The course is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD), the world’s largest professional HR and education organization with around 140,000 members, and upon successful completion, you will be eligible to receive the organisation’s Advanced Diploma in HR. Resource Management.
Basic units:
Strategy aims to explain business success or lack thereof by considering the relationships between the strategy and the external business environment and between the strategy and available internal resources and capabilities.
Business Economics and Accounting enables you to understand the key economic aspects of the business environment and develop your skills in applying economic analysis to business decision making and planning. You will also learn about accounting, its forms, purpose and the needs of its users.
Organizational behavior addresses the key issues of individual behavior within organizations and includes sensitive topics such as the personality and mentality of the individual, managing situations, the ability to motivate action, and addressing issues of injustice and inequality.
Work and Society builds your knowledge about trends in work and society such as the changing context of work, globalization, power and managerial control in organizations, language, rhetoric, and organizational communication.
Employee Relations develops your ability to understand trends in modern employment relations and how relationships between managers and employees are conducted. You will understand the reasons behind these trends and consider how they differ in a global context.
Human Resource Management develops your understanding of key issues in human resource management processes and practices and shows you how to understand and analyze research in this area.
Research and Thesis Methods (International Study Pathway and Business Project Methods available) provide you with the basic principles of research design and methodology in business and management and develop your skills in conducting research in order to produce a thesis. You may choose to undertake research abroad at a partner university or undertake a business project in lieu of a thesis. This may involve either working with a specific host organization or conducting an issue-based investigation across a range of organizations on a specific management issue.