Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

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Our MSc in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics examines the economic realities of major environmental issues such as climate change at local, national and global levels.

Course details

The MSc in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics is one of three specialist MSc programs in Economics available at Oxford. The program provides the opportunity to fully explore the economic realities of environmental challenges, taking an in-depth look at the crucial issue of managing their natural resources.

The program consists of a combination of core and optional (optional) modules, culminating in a research thesis. Through core modules you will explore advanced macroeconomics, microeconomics, environmental and climate economics and natural resource economics, covering topics such as ecosystems over time, natural resource constraints, fisheries and forestry.

Providing the flexibility to design your programme, you will then be able to choose from a selection of optional modules. The dissertation then enables you to develop your research skills, through an in-depth investigation at advanced level of a topic relevant to your degree. The thesis also includes the option to conduct research abroad at a partner university.

You will be taught by world-class academics from Oxford College, one of an elite group of institutions accredited by the three major accreditation bodies for business education. As an Economics student, you will be part of an academic department with an international reputation for research and teaching excellence.


Course structure


Core modules

You will study the following core modules:

  • Advanced Macroeconomics
    • develops your knowledge and analytical skills in topics featuring growth theory, business cycle theory, analysis modelling, monetary theory and their applications.
  • Advanced Microeconomics
    • enhances your knowledge and analytical skills in areas such as consumer theory, producer theory, decision-making under risk and uncertainty, incentives and strategic behaviour, market equilibrium, general equilibrium and welfare economics.
  • Environmental and Climate Economics
    • provides advanced knowledge and critical understanding of the economic aspects of environmental problems, with a particular focus on climate change and the specialist economic tools used to analyse and solve those problems.
  • Natural Resource Economics
    • examines issues related to natural resource management including an introduction to the constraints and will offer in-depth analysis of ecological systems over time, population models, renewable and non-renewable resources and fisheries and forests.
  • Econometric Analysis
    • provides some of the econometrics skills necessary to pursue empirical research in economics and provides a grounding for understanding the more advanced econometric techniques to be taught in the second term of the course.
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What Will You Learn?

  • Time-Series Analysis
  • Microeconometrics
  • Behavioural Economics
  • Development Economics
  • Experimental Economics
  • Game Theory
  • Industrial Organisation
  • International Trade and Finance
  • Money and Banking
  • Language module offered by the Centre for Foreign Language Studies


Time-Series Analysis

  • Introduction to Time-Series Analysis
  • Time-Series Regression Models
  • Vector Autoregression Analysis
  • ARIMA and SARIMA Models
